Monday, 9 November 2015


In todays lesson my group and I continued to think of good film title ideas. Last lesson, we all seemed to like "Consequences of Identity". However, we came up with a few more ideas since we think that "Consequences of Identity" is a little bit too long.

We came up with the following ideas:
- The Identity
- Identity
- A question of Identity

Since we could not decide on which title to chose, my group and I have decided to talk to at least 5 different people - give them the 4 options ( including "Consequences of Identity") and then feed back to our group to see which title got the most votes. This is a good way to chose our film title as it is important for the audience to like the title of the film as this way they are more likely to remember it.

1 comment:

  1. Feedback is an important part of planning and evaluation. It is sensible that you took the opportunity to conduct feedback at different stages.
